.. _ref_api_rust_arc_context_send: arc::Context::send ================== Synopsis -------- .. code-block:: rust pub fn send(&self, r: Request, sid: &str) -> SimpleFuture; Send a request to a connected device. Parameters ---------- ========== =========== Parameter Description ========== =========== r: Request A request object sid: &str Serial number of the device for which to receive the request ========== =========== Examples -------- .. rubric:: Example using executor .. code-block:: rust #![feature(rustc_private)] #![feature(proc_macro_hygiene)] #![feature(decl_macro)] #![feature(async_closure)] use futures::prelude::*; use futures::stream::StreamExt; use std::error::Error; #[async_attributes::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { let net = linq_network::arc::Context::new(); // Get a serial number from a connected device let (serial, _) = net .events() .filter_map(|e| match e { linq_network::Event::Heartbeat(s) => future::ready(Some(s)), _ => future::ready(None), }) .take(1) .into_future() .await; // Change the SiteID if let Some(serial) = serial { let r = Request::Post("/ATX/about", "{\"siteId\":\"New Site ID\"}"); let response = net .send(r, &serial) .await? .result?; } } .. rubric:: See also 1. :ref:`ref_api_rust_arc_context_get` 2. :ref:`ref_api_rust_arc_context_send` 3. :ref:`ref_api_rust_request`