

pub fn get(&self, path: &str, sid: &str) -> SimpleFuture<Response>;

Send a GET request to a connected device


Parameter Description
path: &str URL of the request
sid: &str Serial number of the device for which to receive the request


Example using executor


use futures::prelude::*;
use futures::stream::StreamExt;
use std::error::Error;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
   let net = linq_network::arc::Context::new();

   // Get a serial number from a connected device
   let (serial, _) = net
       .filter_map(|e| match e {
           linq_network::Event::Heartbeat(s) => future::ready(Some(s)),
           _ => future::ready(None),

   // Request some about data
   if let Some(serial) = serial {
       let response = net
           .get("/ATX/about", &serial)


Example route based on

#[post("/proxy/<id>/about", format = "json")]
async fn proxy_route(net: State<'_, AtxNet>, id:String) -> Result<content::Json<String>, Status> {
   match net.get("/ATX/about", &id).await {
      Ok(response) => match response.result {
         Ok(v) => Ok(content::Json(v)),
         Err(e) => Err(Status::new(e.to_http(), "")),
      Err(_) => Err(Status::new(400,"")),