Quick Start (NodeJS)

The LinQ Network NodeJS binding uses cmake-js to compile the native module into your project. cmake-js supports nodejs runtime, electron runtime and nw runtime enviorments. To select your runtime enviorment, include a cmake-js option inside your package.json file.

Project Setup

npm install @altronix/linq-network-js


  // ...
  "cmake-js": {
    "runtime":"node", // or electron or nw
    "runtimeVersion": "10.9.0",
    "arch": "x64",

Event Emitter

The LinQ Network NodeJS binding uses the event emitter to notify your application of incoming LinQ Network events.

Event emitter keys

Event Description
heartbeat A device has sent a heartbeat
error The library detected a runtime error
ctrlc The LinQ Network is shutting down
alert A device has sent an alert

Complete Application

Listen for incoming heartbeats and request the ABOUT data

let netw = require("@altronix/linq-network-js").default;

netw.on("heartbeat", sid =>
    .send(sid, "GET", "/ATX/about")
    .then(response => console.log(response))
    .catch(e => console.log(e))