

linq_network_s* linq_network_create(const linq_network_callbacks*, void*);

Initialize the LinQ Network communication library. Optionally pass in a struct with function pointers to receive notifications of network events. Also optionally pass a context that will be passed to your applications callback function during linq network events.


Parameter Description
const linq_network_callbacks* Struct of function pointers to process events
void* User data passed to each callback function to process events.


With Callbacks

// Declare some callbacks
static void on_error(void* ctx, E_LINQ_ERROR e, const char* what, const char* serial);
static void on_alert(void* ctx, linq_network_alert_s* alert, linq_network_email_s* mail, device_s** d);
static void on_heartbeat(void* ctx, const char* serial, device_s** d);
static void on_ctrlc(void* ctx);

linq_network_callbacks callbacks = { .err = on_error,
                                  .alert = on_alert,
                                  .hb = on_heartbeat,
                                  .ctrc = on_ctrlc };
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  // Create some app specific thing you need!
  app_context* app = app_context_create();

  // Create some linq networking
  linq_network* netw = linq_network_create(callbacks, app);

  // Process Network IO
  while (sys_running()) linq_network_poll(netw, 5);

  // All done ...

Without Callbacks

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   linq_network* netw = linq_network_create(NULL, NULL);

  // Process Network IO
  while (sys_running()) linq_network_poll(netw, 5);

   // All done ...

See Also

