

typedef enum E_LINQ_ERROR;

Many LinQ Network Library routines return a status code representing the result of the routines execution. The status code is defined by the linq_network_error enum.

Name Description
LINQ_ERROR_OK No error has occured.
LINQ_ERROR_OOM The function could not complete as intended because the system is (O)ut (O)f (M)emory.
LINQ_ERROR_BAD_ARGS Caller has called the routine with invalid parameters.
LINQ_ERROR_IO The system returned an IO error (Either from file read or network IO).
LINQ_ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND The routine could not complete as intended because the device is not connected.
LINQ_ERROR_TIMEOUT The routine is taking too long to complete and has decided to return an error.
LINQ_ERROR_SHUTTING_DOWN The LinQ Network Library is in the process of shutting down and therefore cannot perform this routine.
LINQ_ERROR_400 A response from the device has returned a 400 error code (Client API error)
LINQ_ERROR_403 A response from the device has returned a 403 error code (Unauthorized)
LINQ_ERROR_404 A response from the device has returned a 404 error code (Not Found)
LINQ_ERROR_500 A response from the device has returned a 500 error code (Internal Server Error)
LINQ_ERROR_504 A response from the device has returned a 504 error code (Try again later)