uint32_t linq_network_node_count(linq_network_s* netw);
Return the number of nodes connected to your LinQ Network context. Any time you connect to a remote linq_network instance, the node count will increase by 1. Anytime you close a connection to a remote linq_network instance, the node count will decrease by 1.
Parameter | Description |
linq_network | Main context of the LinQ Network Library passed to all linq_network routines. |
Example keeping track of how many nodes your application is connected to.
linq_network* netw = linq_network_create(NULL, NULL);
assert(linq_network_node_count(netw) == 0);
linq_network_socket tcp = linq_network_connect(netw, "tcp://");
assert(linq_network_node_count(netw) == 1);
linq_network_socket ipc = linq_network_connect(netw, "ipc://channel");
assert(linq_network_node_count(netw) == 2);
linq_network_close(netw, ipc);
assert(linq_network_node_count(netw) == 1);
linq_network_close(netw, tcp);
assert(linq_network_node_count(netw) == 0);